Mi’kmaw Community Has Been Let Down By The RCMP

Marc Miller Indigenous Services Mister’s strong-worded rebuke of the RCMP and criminals terrorizing Nova Scotia’s Mi’kmaw people.

Ottawa, ON. – Bernadette Jordan, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, Bill Blair, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, and Marc Miller, Minister of Indigenous Services held a press conference to speak to the situation in Nova Scotia.

There was a stark condemnation by all Ministers in the manner the RCMP has failed to protect the Mi’kmaw people and all Nova Scotians, with the exception of Minister Blair. Minster Blair has order more RCMP and additional resources to the community. The Mi”kmaw Chief has requested the deployment of the Canadian Armed Forces citing lack of trust in the RCMP.

“We must also recognize that once again, as evidenced by the scenes of violence, Indigenous people have been let down by the police, those who are sworn to protect them” Said Minister Miller

RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki is being scrutinized for the handling of the Nova Scotian detachment with the violence against the Mi’kmaw Fishers. Many members of not just the Indigenous community, members of the Government see the acts of the Commercial Fishers as criminal and are also race-related. One NDP member went as far as to call the acts of violence, acts of terrorism.

While other Ministers and MP’s have indicated the Police have failed the Mi’kmaw community, Minister Blair would not. Minister Blair is also the former Police Chief in Toronto that defended the racial profiling of minorities with carding.


The Federal Government is conducting ongoing Nation to Nation negotiations with the Mi’Kmaw people regarding the interpretation of sections of the Peace and Friendship Treaty of 1761.

With the affirmation of the Peace and Friendship Treaty by the Supreme Court, negotiations with by the commercial fishers to have the Mi’kmaw people relinquish parts of their tradition and away of life are not plausible.

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