
About TDS News

The Daily Scrum News is dedicated to ethical journalism and balanced reporting, aiming to recognize global contributions to humanity by governments and society. They cover political and news events in the USA, Canada, Indigenous communities, and worldwide, emphasizing humanistic philosophies. The organization prioritizes factual news and responsible reporting by embracing advanced AI Journalists, digital polyglots and cutting-edge technology, working hand in hand with their human counterparts to tell the most meaningful stories to its readers. They lead by example, highlighting essential news while respecting diverse perspectives.

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Canadian News

FROM IVORY TOWERS TO COMMON GROUND: Reaffirming Canadian Identity

FROM IVORY TOWERS TO COMMON GROUND: Reaffirming Canadian Identity By Anne Thompson “An educated population is the foundation of a strong democracy.”  These words resonate deeply in the context of Canadian society.  Recent events have brought to light a disconcerting reality: our universities are falling short in their role as bridges between academia and society.  Two incidents, though months apart, illustrate this failure and its impact on Canadian identity.  Canadian universities bear a significant responsibility to bridge the gap between academia and society, fostering a mor

US News

“Whistleblower Officers Expose Racial Profiling in Policing: ‘We Were Forced to Target Black People’

A shocking revelation has emerged from within the law enforcement community, as a group of Black and Latino police officers have come forward to confess that they were forced to target Black people in order to meet arrest quotas. The officers, who have chosen to remain anonymous, shared their experiences in an exclusive interview, detailing the pressure they faced from superiors to make arrests in predominantly Black neighborhoods. “We were told that we needed to make a certain number of arrests per month, and that if we didn’t meet those quotas, we would face disciplinary action,&

World News