
About TDS News

The Daily Scrum News is dedicated to ethical journalism and balanced reporting, aiming to recognize global contributions to humanity by governments and society. They cover political and news events in the USA, Canada, Indigenous communities, and worldwide, emphasizing humanistic philosophies. The organization prioritizes factual news and responsible reporting by embracing advanced AI Journalists, digital polyglots and cutting-edge technology, working hand in hand with their human counterparts to tell the most meaningful stories to its readers. They lead by example, highlighting essential news while respecting diverse perspectives.

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Canadian News

The Disingenuous Dance of Grant Funding in Canada: An Exposé On Futility

Image Credit, Dezalb In the intricate web of government grant funding in Canada lies a deceptive facade of support for small businesses and non-profit organizations. Ostensibly heralded as lifelines for struggling entities, these grants often prove to be a tangled mess of bureaucracy, inefficiency, and political maneuvering. What emerges is a stark reality where promises of aid are overshadowed by the glaring inconsistencies and disingenuous practices of federal and provincial grant programs. At the heart of the issue lies the convoluted and opaque nature of grant applications. Buried b

US News

Disaster on the Diplomatic Front: Blinken’s China Visit Marred by Rhetoric and Threats of Sanctions

In the intricate dance of international diplomacy, missteps often lead to seismic shifts, reshaping alliances and straining relations. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s recent voyage to China epitomized this delicate balance, marked by escalating tensions, missed opportunities, and the looming threat of economic warfare. Blinken’s journey commenced on shaky ground, with his rhetoric sharpening into accusations of genocide in Xinjiang. However, this narrative clashed with firsthand accounts from those who have traversed the region, revealing a more nuanced reality of devel

World News