The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain condemns the decision of the Republic of Turkey to send military forces to the state of Libya, stressing that this decision is a rejected interference in the internal affairs of Libya and a violation of international legitimacy and relevant Security Council resolutions.
It adds that the decision is contrary to the Arab position adopted by the Council of the League of Arab States on December 31, 2019, and impedes efforts to restore peace and stability throughout Libya. Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs urges the international community to fulfill its responsibilities in addressing this development, which constitutes a threat to Arab national security and to the entire region. It stresses the need to back all efforts to eliminate terrorism and deter all terrorist organizations in Libya and support international efforts seeking a comprehensive settlement and the restoration of the national state and its institutions, in order for it to play its role in achieving development and prosperity for the brotherly Libyan people.
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