The Ex Factor: Why Keeping Your Ex out of Your Dating Profile is Crucial
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- September 25, 2024

Image Credit, Lindsey
Ladies, let’s chat about a little thing I like to call “Ex-citement.” And by “Ex-citement,” I mean the absolute avalanche of awkwardness that comes with plastering your dating profile with photos of you and your ex. Yes, that ex. The one you’re “totally over” but still professing undying love for in your bio.
Here’s the deal: nothing says “I’m single and totally ready to mingle” like a profile that screams, “I’m still hung up on my ex, and I’m just here to see if someone can distract me from my perpetual sobbing.” It’s like trying to sell a house and using the listing photos from when it was haunted. Spoiler alert: that’s not exactly what the buyers are looking for.
So let’s break it down:
No Ex Files: Your dating profile is not an episode of The Ex-Files. Keep the exes out of the frame. If all your pics are a parade of you and your former flame, potential matches will think they’re auditioning for the role of ‘Rebound Guy #17.’ Trust me, that’s a part no one wants to play.
Ex-treme Makeover: Proclaiming your lingering love for your ex is the romantic equivalent of a neon sign that says, “Emotional Baggage Claim, Next Exit.” Keep your profile about you—what you love, what you’re passionate about, and leave out the part where you’re waiting for Mr. Right to help you forget Mr. Wrong.
Ex-odus: Clear out the ex photos like you’re Marie Kondo-ing your closet. If it doesn’t spark joy, it’s gotta go. And honey, if it’s your ex, it probably sparks more migraines than joy.
Remember, the goal is to attract potential matches, not scare them away with your personal horror story. By keeping the exes out, you’re not only showing that you’re truly ready to move on, but you’re also opening the door to a fresh, fabulous future without the ghost of relationships past hovering over your shoulder.
In summary, ladies: Ex-nay on the ex-love. Clear the slate, put your best self forward, and let’s leave the past where it belongs—far, far behind. After all, you wouldn’t want your potential matches wondering if they’re next in line to become another ex-photo on your future dating profiles. Swipe smart, and let’s get you those right swipes!