SCO Condemns “Dangerous and Racist” Remarks by BC Conservative Candidate Sapozhnikov
- TDS News
- Western Canada
- Indigenous
- October 28, 2024

Image Source Sapozhnikov social media feed
The Southern Chiefs’ Organization (SCO) has condemned recent remarks by British Columbia Conservative candidate Marina Sapozhnikov, calling her statements about Indigenous people “reprehensible” and demanding immediate disciplinary action from the Conservative Party of BC.
Sapozhnikov, who is running for MLA in Juan de Fuca-Malahat, recently referred to Indigenous people as “savages” and dismissed Indigenous history courses taught in British Columbia’s universities. In an election night interview, she also claimed that recognizing Indigenous rights under the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (UNDRIP) had relegated non-Indigenous British Columbians to “second-rate citizens.” Her remarks have drawn strong criticism, shedding light on persistent issues of racism and divisive rhetoric within Canadian politics.
SCO Grand Chief Jerry Daniels expressed outrage, emphasizing the harm of Sapozhnikov’s statements. “I am appalled, shocked, and deeply saddened after reading what this candidate had to say about all our relatives across Turtle Island,” Daniels said. “She should never have been chosen as a candidate for any public office. I call on the leadership of the B.C. Conservative Party to do what’s right and denounce her words and her candidacy.”
The SCO is also urging Conservative Party Leader John Rustad to revoke Sapozhnikov’s candidacy, stating that her views are incompatible with efforts toward Truth and Reconciliation. Grand Chief Daniels joined First Nations leadership across British Columbia in appealing for Rustad to ensure that the party distances itself from “hateful words and ideas.”
Daniels also underscored that the candidate’s inflammatory remarks serve as a stark reminder of how far Canadian society has yet to go in eradicating harmful and unacceptable rhetoric from public discourse. In this day and age, it’s appalling that there are still candidates making remarks and statements like this! When will it stop? This is beyond reprehensible and it just shows how far we are still to come when it comes to hateful and unacceptable rhetoric, especially for those who are wanting to govern.