YELLOWKNIFE (November 7, 2019) – Premier Caroline Cochrane today announced the following changes to the senior management of the Northwest Territories public service:
- Martin Goldney is appointed as Secretary to Cabinet and Deputy Minister of Executive and Indigenous Affairs
- Sandy Kalgutkar is appointed as Secretary to the Financial Management Board and Deputy Minister of Finance
- Joe Dragon is appointed as Deputy Minister of Infrastructure
- Sylvia Haener is appointed as Deputy Minister of Lands
- Rita Mueller is appointed as Deputy Minister of Education, Culture and Employment
- Charlene Doolittle will be appointed as Deputy Minister of Justice
The following appointments remain unchanged:
- Eleanor Young – Deputy Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs
- Tom Williams – President and CEO of the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation
- Bruce Cooper – Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services
- Tom Jensen – Deputy Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment
- Tom Weegar – Associate Deputy Minister of Education, Culture and Employment and President of Aurora College
Premier Cochrane congratulates Mike Aumond on his retirement after 31 years of service, including most recently as Secretary to Cabinet and Deputy Minister of Executive and Indigenous Affairs. The Premier also thanks David Stewart and Paul Guy for their dedication and service to the people and the Government of the Northwest Territories and wishes them well.
All appointments take effect immediately, with the exception of the appointment of Charlene Doolittle, who will continue as Deputy Secretary to Cabinet until January 6, 2020.