Winter Is Here! Remember Don’t Eat The Yellow Snow

Several Canadian Provinces get their first snowfall of the season

Manitoba, Saskatchewan and parts of Ontario are the first Canadian provinces to be thrust into winter. The warm temperature in November is associated with climate change and the warming of the earth.

The warmer weather is perfect for snowbirds who are reluctant to head back to the US due to the high cases of COVID-19. While companies that relied on snow and colder temperatures to make a living were happy to see the first snowfall.

The first snowfall is symbolic and unofficially signals the start of the Christmas holiday season. Whichever side of the fence you are on with regards to snow or no snow, it does make you pause for a moment to appreciate the beauty of it as it glistens through the light and softly hits your face.

Then after the nostalgia and sentimental feelings subside, you remember that with snow comes copious hours of shovelling, slips, trips and spills and the inevitable yellow patches of snow on your lawn. And not to mention the summer surprises left by the dogs that are not discoverable until the snow melts.

Happy Winter Everyone
