Winnipeg Set To Host Major Conference On Cybersecurity and Cyber Insurance

In today’s digital age, protecting our personal and business data from cybercriminals is more critical than ever. With homes and businesses becoming smarter and more connected through the Internet of Things (IoT), protecting against vulnerabilities is even more critical.

One of the best ways to do this is through cyber insurance, which can help mitigate financial losses and hardships cybercriminals leave. On Wednesday, March 29, 2023, the Horizon group will host a premier Cybersecurity conference at the Delta Hotel by Marriott Winnipeg, 350 Saint Mary Avenue.

The conference aims to provide attendees with as much information on Cybersecurity as possible, with industry-leading experts from around the world sharing their expertise on a wide range of topics pertaining to the industry.

The conference counts as four Insurance Council of Manitoba (I.C.M.) accredited continuing education credits for those in the insurance industry, an essential education aspect. Full-day participants will also be provided breakfast and lunch. Attendees will be able to interact with experts and gain valuable insights into the latest trends in Cybersecurity, including threats and mitigation strategies.

By attending both the morning and afternoon sessions, attendees will receive an assessment for up to 5 free IP scans from TD SYNNEX to find any key factors that need fixing to allow cybersecurity insurance to be sold.

The daily threat of Cybersecurity breaches is increasingly real, with data breaches in social media, email, and telephone phishing scams becoming more common. Consequently, more and more people are turning to their insurance companies to provide better coverage in the event of a cyber security breach. Cyber insurance can help protect against financial losses, such as lost income or legal fees, and assist with recovery from a data breach.

“Protecting your smart home is not just a matter of convenience; it’s a matter of security. A robust cybersecurity plan is essential for safeguarding your personal and financial information from malicious attacks.” – Said Director of growth at Horizon, Steven Benzelock.

Cybersecurity insurance policies may cover a wide range of incidents, including hacking attacks, data breaches, ransomware, and more. Policyholders can customize their coverage to meet their specific needs, and some policies may even provide access to resources and experts to help businesses and individuals recover after an attack.

Attending the Horizon Cybersecurity conference can provide valuable insights into the importance of the Cybersecurity industry and the resources available to help protect individuals and businesses from cybercriminals. The conference in Winnipeg is the first stop on a four-leg tour across Canada, with stops in Saskatoon, Calgary, and Vancouver. Attending this conference is highly recommended for anyone in the insurance industry, Cybersecurity, or concerned about protecting their data best.

The increasing number of cyber-attacks and data breaches shows the importance of taking cyber security seriously and taking proactive measures to prevent them. We must prioritize the security of our digital assets and take necessary steps to protect ourselves, our families, and our businesses. By attending Cybersecurity conferences, seeking professional advice, and investing in some form of cyber insurance, we can mitigate the risks and ensure we are protected against potential cyber threats. Remember, prevention is always better than cure, and taking proactive steps toward cyber security can save us from significant financial loss, reputation damage, and emotional distress in the long run.
