What Would The World Be Like If Robots Replaced All Politicians?

Decisions would be based on the needs of the people and not how many palms are being greased by special interests

Everyone has a strong opinion of politicians, but they’re necessary for running a country. Many people think we should replace all politicians with robots. This would make the world much worse, but it has some good points if we looked at it from a different perspective. Essentially, replacing all of our politicians with machines would leave us with a better world- but only if we replaced it with chaos and disaster.

The public generally has a negative opinion of politicians. They’re always pursuing their gain and don’t give a damn about anyone else. People detest them for lying, bailing out banks, and wasting money on wars. Replacing all of them with robots would be a step in the right direction toward making the world a better place. The planet would be healthier and less greedy if machines replaced leaders. Lots of people loathe politicians and think they’re crooks. Based on historical facts, many are willing to sacrifice their needs and wellbeing for someone else’s gain.

Replacing all of them with robots would free people from the burden of voting for leaders. People have nothing to gain from political life, so they wouldn’t be corrupting their country any more than they already do. A robot government would be far more effective at protecting the rights of the citizenry.

The average citizen is far more concerned with their wellbeing than anyone else’s. Replacing them with robots would give citizens a sense of fairness in their country. They’d no longer have to vote for someone they didn’t know or trust to protect their rights. Instead, they could hold an election between two robots and choose whichever one they want most. This would be a lot better for citizens and businesses alike.

A world run by robots would be much better for everyone involved. We’d have less greed since humans wouldn’t need to vote or bribe—however, there are some good points about humans needing politicians for laws and governments. At the same time, people despise politicians and would prefer robot leaders if given a choice. But one problem is still to be solved, who will be the people who program the robots to ensure they have neutral opinions in their decision-making?
