What If The Women Of Afghanistan Said Bye Felicia To The Taliban and All Left?

It’s a thought experiment that might sound extreme, but what if all the women in Afghanistan left the country to the Taliban? Would the men finally appreciate women as equals and stop treating them like domestic slaves made for reproducing? Unfortunately, the answer is likely no.

The women in Afghanistan have been subjected to brutal oppression and mistreatment under the Taliban’s rule. They are denied basic human rights, including the right to education, freedom of movement, and the right to work outside the home. They are treated as property and are often subject to forced marriages and domestic abuse. The Taliban’s regime is everything that is wrong with society, as uneducated and barbaric thugs have stolen power and oppressed their people.

The situation for women in Afghanistan is dire. According to numerous human rights organizations, they are the most oppressed, mistreated, humiliated, assaulted, and abused in the world. They are subjected to extreme violence and are forced to live in fear every day of their lives. Women have little to no say in society and are often not allowed to participate in decision-making processes.

The Taliban has a long history of suppressing women’s rights, and they have made it clear that they will continue to do so. They believe that women’s role is to serve men, and they have used religion to justify their oppressive actions. Women are not allowed to hold positions of power, and their voices are silenced.

If all the women in Afghanistan were to leave the country, it is unlikely that the Taliban would suddenly have a change of heart and start treating women as equals. In fact, it is more likely that the situation will become even worse. The Taliban would see it as an opportunity to consolidate their power and further oppress the remaining population.

The only hope for women in Afghanistan is to continue to fight for their rights and for the world to support them in their struggles. Women must be given equal rights and opportunities to participate in society, including education and employment. The government and international community must take steps to ensure that women are protected, and their voices are heard.

It’s important to support women in their fight for equal rights and opportunities and to ensure that the oppression of women and girls can never be repeated. Only then can Afghanistan become a more just and equitable society for all its citizens.
