Trump Ally, Steve Bannon arrested and Indictment on Fraud Charges

  • TDS News
  • U.S.A
  • August 20, 2020

Bannon charged with embezzling millions from charity to build southern wall

Today, former Trump campaign manager Steve Bannon has been indicted for fraud charges. The allegations are that he along with his partners have defrauded millions from donors as part of an online crowdfunding campaign known as “We Build the Wall”

Trump Ally, Steve Bannon arrested and Indictment on Fraud Charges

Steve Bannon joins the very long list of top Trump advisors who have either been indicted, charged, or convicted of a crime. It’s not a coincidence. Trump has surrounded himself with criminals and set an example that the law doesn’t apply to him.

Trump Ally, Steve Bannon arrested and Indictment on Fraud Charges

The American people have voted for a president that acts like a king or a dictator that can not be overthrown.

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