Sheila Brown’s New Book Reveals 9 Ways How ‘The Divine SelfQare Strategy’ Can Benefit The Modern Woman

Sheila Brown’s New Book Reveals 9 Ways How ‘The Divine SelfQare Strategy’ Can Benefit The Modern Woman

The Divine SelfQare Strategy is a comprehensive guide for natural wellness, passing on the wonderful ancient healing traditions kept alive by African women across the globe.


  1. The Divine SelfQare Strategy acts as a comprehensive guide and companion for women across the globe, leading them to fulfill their Divine Health goals.
  1. The ancestral knowledge becomes a savior against harmful products with toxins, chemicals, and parabens that are freely peddled to the masses today by giant corporations.
  1. It teaches the modern woman the ancient ways of healing, something that has been lost in most parts of the world, keeping the younger generation in the dark.
  1. It allows the woman of today to achieve Total Body Alignment through control, mindfulness, and reliance on the natural modalities, instead of harmful commercial procedures.
  1. Not only does the text provide knowledgeable insights, but it also perfectly encapsulates the comforting voice of a grandmother’s wisdom.
  1. Readers can learn the significance of setting boundaries and putting themselves first, especially in a world that is so fast-paced and challenging.
  1. Young mothers and wives can use the natural healing techniques in this book to take care of their sacred bodies, especially after going through the beautiful process of giving birth.
  1. Through anecdotes and well-written characters such as Denkenesh, women can explore a lifestyle that relies on natural wellness and optimal head, womb, and feet health.
  1. Beyond bodily health, The Divine SelfQare Strategy also teaches young women the importance of maintaining relationships. Other than being a daughter, most women, at some point in her life, can expect to be either a mother, a wife, or both. Hence, it is important for her to know the significance of her own health and well-being in order to fulfill her Divine Purpose.

The official book website is:

Watch the official book trailer here.

Information on other books by Sheila Brown can be found at:

About the Author:

Sheila Brown is the founder & President of Queendom Qare, an online wellness shop providing custom products to promote the physical and spiritual aspects of Divine Health in women including vaginal steaming, eye, ear, and oral cleanses, as well as foot health.

Her mission is to help women view themselves as sacred daughters of the Most High who embrace Divine SelfQare as a responsible lifestyle. It is conducive to the fulfillment of one’s life purpose. Equipped with in-depth knowledge about Health & Wellness, Sheila is now a successful author of four books: The Divine SelfQare Strategy; Divinity Soup: An ancestor inspired recipe starring Collard Greens; 3-Day Reboot With Divinity Soup; and Sometimes Raw Sometimes Cooked: Always Divinely Prepared.

Contact Information:

Contact Person Name: Sheila Brown
Company: Queendom Qare
Email: [email protected]

Country: United States

Sheila Brown’s Book is available at: 

*Source: Sheila Brown.
