Second Reading Passed for NDP Bill Advocating for Paid Bereavement Leave
- Ingrid Jones
- D.O.C Supplements - Trending News
- Western Canada
- April 13, 2023

The Manitoba NDP made significant progress for families by passing the second reading MLA Amanda Lathlin’s bill for paid bereavement leave for grieving parents. The bill would allow parents to take up to three days of paid leave following a miscarriage or stillbirth. This compassionate legislation is a step forward in supporting parents during these heartbreaking situations.
According to the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada, one in five pregnancies ends in miscarriage. Yet, no full-wage replacement is available for mothers in Manitoba and no paid leave for their partners. This leaves parents struggling financially while they grieve and heal. The bill proposed by Lathlin aims to address this issue and provide financial support to parents during difficult times.
New Zealand recently introduced three days of paid bereavement leave for grieving mothers and their partners, and it is time for Manitoba to follow suit. The bill proposed by Lathlin is a common-sense and compassionate solution to support parents during a time of immense grief and hardship.
“Parents in Manitoba shouldn’t have to suffer financially for taking time to grieve and heal after a stillbirth or miscarriage,” said Lathlin. “We need this common sense and compassionate legislation in place to support parents in these heartbreaking situations. Now it’s up to the PC government to do the right thing and pass this bill into law to support Manitoba families.”
This legislation is crucial in ensuring that parents do not have to suffer financially while mourning their child’s loss. It is time for Manitoba to recognize the importance of paid bereavement leave for grieving parents and provide them with the support they need during this difficult time.