Raphael Warnock Wins Georgia Senate Runoff

Warnock’s win gives Democrats not only outright control of Senate but also gives them more powers in deciding who sits on congressional committees

Last night, Georgia Senate running was the second for incumbent Raphael Gamaliel Warnock in two years. Just as he did in 2020, he prevailed. Although narrow, it is still an important win. Seeing as the Democrats retained control of the Senate 50 -49, even if Warnock had loose to Walker, Vice President Harris would cast a vote in favour of the Democrats should any vote end in a tie.

With an outright win, Senate communities no longer have to have even representatives from both leading parties. It also means the Senate Democrats are no longer at the mercy of right-leaning Democratic Senators Manchin and Sinema, opting to vote with the Republican party on critical measures proposed by the Biden Administration to appease self-interest and special interest groups.

It was almost a foregone conclusion that Warnock would win, even with the predicted nearly two million people voting along party lines for Walker. A candidate they know is unqualified and immoral. Walker, the former Georgia football star and diehard Koolaid-drinking M.A.G.A. sycophant and, by his own party leader’s admission, he is a poor choice for a candidate.

Walker is the poster child for a M.A.G.A. candidate and everything that is wrong with America. And for the sake of the readers, trying to list off every dumb thing that has come out of his mouth would require spending more time talking about him than warranted.

As divisive and polarizing as the state of Georgia may be, for another brief moment, of a state still deeply routed in racism, gerrymandering and voter suppression, the right person won.
