Quebec Invests $1.2M To Bridge The Equality Gap Between Men & Women
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- April 19, 2022
Equality between women and men – Nearly $1.2 million to promote equality between women and men
By: Ministry of Education
While achieving de facto equality between women and men is a priority for the government, the Minister for Education and Minister responsible for the Status of Women, Ms. Isabelle Charest announced today the signing of new sectoral agreements in seven regions. These agreements will make it possible to support the implementation of projects that will notably target parity in decision-making places, training and support in gender-based and intersectional analysis (ADS+), the economic empowerment of women and the development of a without violence against women.
The regional partners of Chaudière-Appalaches, Estrie, Laurentides, Laval, Côte-Nord, Centre-du-Québec and Nord-du-Québec Baie-James sector will each have an envelope to develop, for a period of two years, local and regional projects according to the priorities and specificities of their respective territories.
These sectoral agreements were signed thanks to a partnership between the Secretariat for the Status of Women, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the regional tables of women’s groups, certain regional county municipalities (MRC) and other partners. local.
“Equality between women and men is a priority for our government. An egalitarian society is a strong society and we must continue to support initiatives in this direction. I take this opportunity to thank our regional partners who mobilize year after year to implement concrete projects to achieve equality in their respective territories. Your collaboration and your expertise in the status of women are essential to the development of these initiatives.” Isabelle Charest, Minister for Education and Minister responsible for the Status of Women
“These new agreements will benefit all Quebecers in the regions concerned. As my colleague so aptly points out, an egalitarian society is a strong society! Progress towards parity between women and men, especially in our democracy, is beneficial for all. By uniting our efforts, we can make our Quebec better and reach the highest heights.” Andrée Laforest, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Funding for these sectoral agreements comes from Structuring Action 6 of the Government Strategy for Equality between Women and Men Towards 2021, which aims to “support concrete projects of local, regional and national scope relating to major orientations of the Strategy, favouring the development of diversified partnerships and taking into account the intersectoral dimension”.
It should be noted that since 2018, the government has invested more than $1.4 million under seven sectoral agreements in these same regions to promote equality between women and men in Quebec.