Online Dating Tip #27: The Mysterious No-Photo Phenomenon (Part 2)
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- September 2, 2024
Image Credit, Thatsphotography
Ladies, we need to talk. So, I recently stumbled upon a profile with a bold declaration: “No photo, no talking!” A strong stance, right? Except, the woman who posted it didn’t have a single photo herself. Not even a grainy, far-away, is-that-a-human? kind of picture. Just a void.
Now, let’s pause for a second and appreciate the irony here. It’s like saying, “No shoes, no service!” while standing barefoot behind the counter. Or hosting a masquerade ball but forgetting your own mask. Or, dare I say, calling the kettle black when you’re the pot!
Here’s a fun tip for making your no-photo profile stand out: Embrace the mystery. Sure, you’re a woman of mystery, and that’s fabulous. But maybe throw in a silhouette or a cryptic emoji. Give them something to work with—just a sprinkle of your enigmatic charm! If you’re photo-shy, let your bio do the heavy lifting. Try something like, “I’m so stunning, my phone camera broke. Twice.” Or, “I look like my dog but without the fur.” Keep it funny and intriguing! Be upfront and address the elephant: “I know, I know—no photo. But let’s keep this exciting, like a rom-com where you’re dying to see the leading lady’s face.”
If you insist on the “No photo, no talking” rule, maybe consider adding one yourself. Think of it as a fun social experiment! You can always start with a picture of your favorite mug—baby steps! Remember, online dating is like a game of chess. Every move counts, and sometimes, showing a little vulnerability (or your actual face) can be the best checkmate.
So go ahead, ladies—post that pic! Or don’t. Just make sure your irony game is as strong as your selfie game. Happy swiping!