New York City Plastered With Far-Right Neo-Fascist Banners

Earlier today, posters and banners apparently created by the Proud Boys, a far-right neo-fascist organization that admits only men as members and promotes political violence, were plastered at various locations around New York City, including the Queens Midtown, Lincoln, Holland and Brooklyn Battery Tunnels, and the Manhattan Bridge. They have since been removed and an investigation into the incident is ongoing.  Earlier this year, two members of the Proud Boys were convicted and sentenced to prison for violence in Manhattan. 

“Early this morning posters and banners apparently created by the neo-fascist group Proud Boys were found at various tunnels across New York City. The banners, which included extremist right-wing propaganda slogans like “no retreat” and “no surrender” as well as anti-Italian American stereotypes, were clearly meant to divide and instill fear in New Yorkers.

“New York is not intimidated or threatened by these neo-fascists.

“I have a message for the ‘Bigot Boys’ who skulk around like cowards in the dead of night: when you preach hate and division, New York answers with love and unity. Crawl back into your hole, Bigot Boys — there’s no place for hate in our state.”
