Manitoba Musician Raffy Ramiro’s Treasured Guitar Stolen From His Winnipeg Cafe

The gold and white guitar was gifted to Raffy on his 2017 world tour

If you love great food and being around great people, chances are you have been to Raffy’s Cafe. This labour of love is home to legendary musician Rafael “Raffy” Ramiro and his partner Marienette.

When you go to Raffy’s Cafe, you are served some of the best tasting Filipino food in all of Canada. Of course, what’s good food without great music. While enjoying a bite to eat, it’s very likely patrons will be treated to the sounds of the world-class musician. And, if you like to sing, he will welcome you on stage to join in.

Raffy originated from the Philippine’s and has been performing and teaching for over three decades. He has toured the world performing for sold-out audiences in Malaysia, Singapore, Korea, Japan, China, Canada, America and Europe. When in Winnipeg, it’s not unusual to see other well-known musicians and a politician or two take part in a jam session.

Raffy’s treasured handcrafted guitar was a gift to him while on his 2017 world tour by a fellow musician. The guitar was the same one used in his tribute concert to his favourite band, the Eagles.

“The guitar has no serial number but is easily recognizable from its unique gold parts with a white body as per the picture. It’s definitely the only one in all of Canada.” Said Raffy.

On December 8th 2021, Raffy’s guitar was stolen from his Cafe located at 1060 Ellice Avenue. He’s asking anyone with information about the guitar’s whereabouts to contact him at 204-979-9222, no questions asked.
