Liberal Leader Lamont Will Not Run A Candidate In Thompson By-election

The Thompson riding was represented by NDP MLA Danielle Adams who died in a December car accident

Putting your name on a ballot to serve your community is frightening but rewarding. And when you do it for the right reasons, the decisions you make will have lasting impacts on a community.

Thompson NDP MLA Danielle Adams’ passed away in a car accident on December 9 2021. Her passing was heartbreaking and left a community without representation. In light of the tragedy, today, Manitoba Liberal leader Dougald Lamont announced his party won’t run a candidate in the upcoming by-election out of respect for MLA Adams.

“If it were not for this tragic accident, Danielle would have held her seat until the next general election. Politics is politics, and Manitoba Liberals are committed to running strong candidates and strong campaigns in every Manitoba constituency in the next provincial general election.” Said Dougald Lamont, Liberal Leader.

“Danielle fought hard for a better life for families, northerners, & kids across Manitoba. To our dear colleague and friend—we will miss you so much!” Said, Wab Kinew NDP Leader

In times of tragedy, political lines blur as care for the community becomes paramount. The people of Thompson elected an NDP MLA in the last general election and, honouring the wishes of the legacy of Danielle Adams is appropriate.

Premier Stefanson has yet to confirm if she plans to run a candidate in the upcoming by-election.
