Is It Time To Stop Making New Year’s Resolutions?

Resolutions are rarely kept as they are often set in extenuating circumstances

It is up to each individual to decide whether or not to make New Year’s resolutions. Some people find that setting goals and resolving to make positive changes in their lives can be a helpful way to motivate themselves and make progress towards their aspirations. Others may prefer not to make New Year’s resolutions or may find that making resolutions does not work for them.

Whether or not a person is able to keep their New Year’s resolutions depends on a variety of factors, including the specific goals they have set, their level of commitment to achieving those goals, and any challenges or obstacles they may encounter along the way. Some people may find it difficult to stick to their resolutions, while others may be able to make significant progress towards achieving their goals.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to whether or not New Year’s resolutions are overrated. Some people may find that setting specific, achievable goals and resolving to make positive changes helps them to stay focused and motivated throughout the year. Others may find that making resolutions does not work for them, or that they are not able to follow through on their resolutions.

Ultimately, the decision to make New Year’s resolutions is a personal one and should be based on what works best for each individual. Some people may find it helpful to set specific, achievable goals and develop a plan for achieving them, while others may prefer to take a more spontaneous or flexible approach to making positive changes in their lives.
