How Not to Date 101: Why Using Your Bio to Sell Cars is a Major Turn-Off
- The Single Guy
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- August 24, 2024

Image Credit, Silvioross
So, you’ve decided to dip your toes into the world of online dating. Congrats! But wait—before you craft that all-important bio, let’s have a little chat about what not to do. Because, my dear friend, if you think putting “I’m a car salesperson, and I’m only here to sell you a car, not interested in anything emotional, physical, or romantic” is a good idea, I hate to break it to you… it’s not.
First off, let’s address the elephant in the room. You’re on a dating app. The clue’s in the name: dating. Not “trying to hit your monthly sales quota by luring in unsuspecting singles with the promise of a sweet deal on a new set of wheels.” Unless your goal is to ensure that every swipe you get is a swift left, then go ahead, tell the world you’re only here for the commission and not for the conversation.
But let’s be real for a second—no one’s swiping right on that. Why? Because you’ve basically told potential matches, “Hey, I’m not interested in you as a person, but if you need a car, hit me up!” Not exactly the love connection most people are looking for. You might as well add, “My idea of romance is a detailed breakdown of your financing options.”
And while we’re at it, let’s also talk about work-life balance. Sure, it’s great to be passionate about your job, but maybe leave the sales pitch at the office? Online dating is supposed to be fun, a chance to meet new people and maybe even find someone who shares your love for long walks on the beach (or whatever it is you actually enjoy, when you’re not busy pushing sedans). If your work is bleeding into your personal life so much that you’re using your dating profile to drum up business, it might be time to take a step back and rethink your strategy.
Remember, your bio is the first impression people get of you. Do you want that impression to be, “I’m here to make a sale, not to make a connection?” If you’re wondering why your inbox is emptier than a car lot on a rainy Sunday, well, now you know.
Leave the car sales for the showroom. Use your dating profile to showcase you—the person behind the sales pitch. After all, no one wants to date a walking billboard. They want to meet someone who’s interested in them, not their credit score. So, if you’re serious about finding someone special, drop the sales tactics and let your personality take the wheel. Who knows? You might just find someone who makes your heart race faster than the latest sports car.