Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court Justice Hearings a Mere Formality

  • TDS News
  • U.S.A
  • October 12, 2020

Trump’s pick to push through Amy Coney Barrett another pro life justice is all but completed

“Amy Coney Barrett not requesting her hearings be delayed until proper background investigations can be done and her failure to make full disclosures in the documents she has filed show a lack of regard for process that is disqualifying.

Like 80% of a Supreme Court Justice’s job is deciding how much process is due in various legal situations. She is showing a willingness to accept abrogation of process when it does not serve her preferred outcome. This is the antithesis of a good judge.” said Guy Branum

Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court Justice Hearings a Mere Formality

The contentious pick for the next US Supreme Court Justice to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg has set off a lightening rod among Democrats and Republicans. This all stems back to when the Republican controlled Senate refused to confirm President Obama’s pick Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy created by the death of Antonin Scalia.

The Republicans claimed no Supreme Court seats should be filled in the year of a presidential election and should be the role of the next president to fill. President Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland was done ten months before the election and Trumps nomination of Barrett was done just a few weeks before the upcoming presidential election.

The Democrats are crying hypocrisy and have all rights to do so. However, the Republicans have insisted the president has all rights to fill the vacant seat and do not see the hypocrisy that is kicking them in the face.

The will of the Republicans to follow Trump off the constitution less cliff will ultimately be reflected at the polls in November.

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