131 Days in Office: PC Minister of Economic Development and Jobs Mute on BIPOC Unemployment Challenges

It is now 131 days since the MLA for Waverley Mr. Jon Reyes was appointed the Minister of Economic Development and Jobs by the former Premier Brian Pallister.
  • The Waverley constituency is a multiculturally diverse community with about 6% of the population identified as Aboriginal people and over 58% visible minority groups.
  • Unemployment and food insecurity rates among Aboriginal people and visible minorities are visibly and alarmly higher compared to other Canadians.
Yet, the Minister of Economic Development and Jobs has not shown any concern nor made any commitment to address the problems of unemployment among the Aboriginal people and visible minorities in his riding after 131 days in office as a cabinet minister.
Meanwhile, all the wrong decisions by the PC party are blamed on the former Premier.
Is former Premier Brian Pallister still hindering Hon. Minister Jon Reyes from performing his duties?
Political representation is not just attending community events in a riding.
It is addressing the urgent needs of those who have chosen you to represent them.
