Trudeau Congratulates Sheinbaum on Historic Election as Mexico’s First Female President

Image Credit, Sheinbaum Social Media

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau issued a statement congratulating Claudia Sheinbaum on her historic election as the first female President of Mexico. This milestone comes as Canada and Mexico celebrate 80 years of diplomatic relations, further solidifying their already strong bilateral ties.

“On behalf of the Government of Canada, I congratulate Claudia Sheinbaum on her election as the first woman President of Mexico,” said Prime Minister Trudeau. “As our two countries celebrate 80 years of diplomatic relations this year, I look forward to working closely with President-elect Sheinbaum to further strengthen the friendship between Canada and Mexico, which is rooted in cultural connections, shared priorities, and a dynamic trade and investment relationship.”

Trudeau emphasized the collaborative spirit that has long characterized the relationship between Canada and Mexico. He highlighted key areas of cooperation, including fighting climate change, strengthening international peace and security, promoting gender equality, and advancing reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. The Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (USCMA), which succeeded NAFTA, continues to be a cornerstone of economic cooperation, aiming to create good middle-class jobs, grow economies, and ensure fairness for future generations.

Prime Minister Trudeau also acknowledged the outgoing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador for his strong partnership over the past six years, which has been instrumental in fostering the ties between the two nations.

Claudia Sheinbaum’s election is particularly significant as she becomes the first woman to hold the presidency in Mexico and is of Jewish heritage, adding another layer of historic importance to her victory. Born in Mexico City, Sheinbaum has a distinguished career in science and politics. She served as the Mayor of Mexico City before her presidential bid, earning recognition for her work in environmental sustainability and urban development.

The Mexican diaspora in Canada, which numbers over 100,000, is expected to warmly welcome Sheinbaum’s presidency and potential visit. This community has played a vital role in enriching the multicultural fabric of Canada and fostering closer cultural and economic ties between the two nations.

As members of global forums such as the United Nations, the G20, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, Canada and Mexico are poised to deepen their cooperation on the international stage. Trudeau’s statement underscores a shared vision for a future that is both fairer and more prosperous for Canadians and Mexicans alike.

With Sheinbaum’s leadership, both countries look forward to continuing their tradition of strong bilateral relations, addressing global challenges together, and fostering a prosperous and inclusive future for their citizens.
