Today Marks International Day For Transgender Visibility

The Transgender community continue to fight for equality and basic human rights around the world

As today marks international Transgender Day of Visibility, it provides an opportunity for Allies of the Transgender community understand the struggles and adversity they have faced. The road to equality is paved with sadness, injustices and far to often physical and emotional scars. In a statement from Canada’s for Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth, Chagger said the following.

Today is International Transgender Day of Visibility. This day highlights our friends, family, colleagues, and neighbours who contribute uniquely to the diversity in Canada. It is also a day that raises awareness about Trans communities and discrimination fueled by transphobia that is a lived reality for many in Canada and around the world.

Trans Day of Visibility recognizes the struggles, sacrifices, and achievements of those who fought and continue to fight for gender equity. In a world where governments continue to debate the rights of Trans people and their identities, Trans individuals continue to resist oppression by simply being exactly who they are.

Fighting for gender diversity and equity benefits everyone. The Government of Canada is unwavering in its commitment to human rights and supporting gender-diverse communities and the courage, commitment, and activism of all those engaged in raising awareness of Trans issues.

This is why, on November 27, 2020, as a first step towards the first ever Federal LGBTQ2 Action Plan, we announced the launch of a public engagement process. Various engagement activities are underway to help the Government of Canada better understand the daily realities and experiences of gender-diverse communities, in areas such as employment, healthcare, housing and homelessness, and safety.

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