Residents and healthcare professionals of care homes begin to receive the second dose of the vaccine against COVID-19
Araceli Rosario Hidalgo, a resident of the Los Olmos care home in Guadalajara since 2013, born in 1924, and Mónica Tapias, born in 1972, an auxiliary nursing care technician (Spanish acronym: TCAE), have now received both doses of the vaccine. This was subsequently also administered to the rest of the residents and workers at the care home.
On Monday, the widespread administration of the second dose of the vaccine began to the priority groups in the first phase: residents and workers at care homes, healthcare and day-care personal on the front line and non-institutionalised dependents. Eight autonomous regions began administering the second dose on Sunday.

After this second dose, the vaccination requires at least one week to create immunity. The Ministry of Health reminds everyone that preventive measures, the use of face coverings, social distancing and frequent hand washing must still be employed by those people who have been vaccinated.
The Vaccination Strategy against COVID-19 in Spain is proceeding with normality. To Friday, according to the most recent data, 1,139,400 vaccines had been distributed, and 768, 950 administered.
A new weekly shipment of doses of the Pfizer vaccine arrived on Monday morning from Belgium. In total, 205,727 doses will be fairly distributed among the autonomous regions to ensure that all the regional health authorities can administer the second dose this week to those people it corresponds to.
In total, Spain will receive 4,591,275 doses of the Pfizer vaccine, with which it will be able to immunise 2,295,638 people.
Furthermore, on 12 January, the first Moderna vaccines arrived in our country, which started to be distributed last week. In total, 599,500 doses will be distributed among all the autonomous regions over a period of five weeks, up to and including the third week of February.