Premier Stefanson Welcomes New Faces In Cabinet Shuffle
- TDS News
- Breaking News
- Western Canada
- January 30, 2023

Today, Manitoba Premier Heather Stefanson announced her anticipated cabinet shuffle. The shuffle was expected but may have been slightly delayed with the resignation of Finance Miniter Friesen to run federally. That being said, it is well within the Premier’s prerogative to rearrange the portfolios of different ministers within her government, potentially as a response to recent events or as a move to reorganize the government’s priorities.
Cabinet shuffles are a common occurrence in Canadian politics and serve several purposes. For Premier Stefanson, the shuffle allows her to reassess the performance of her ministers and reassign portfolios to better align with the government’s priorities. Additionally, it will enable her to bring new faces into the Cabinet, bringing fresh perspectives and ideas to the government’s agenda.
For example, former Winnipeg Blue Bomber All-Star Obby Khan served as the junior Minister of Sport, Culture and Heritage and proceeds Minister Andrew Smith now the Minister of Municipal Relations. Khan is a natural fit for this position; being a former professional athlete, he has a good understanding of the needs of the sporting community. Khan will also inherit the portfolios of the Minister responsible for the Manitoba Centennial Centre Corporation and the Minister responsible for Travel Manitoba.
Since becoming Premier, the Cabinet shuffle will now be the second for Heather Stefanson. When elected, she indicated she planned to shuffle the Cabinet she inherited from outgoing Premier Pallister, which happened in January. It is always prudent for any leader in government to reorganize their Cabinet when taking the reins for the first time.
Changing portfolios can be both a challenge and an opportunity for ministers affected by the shuffle. On the one hand, it allows them to take on new responsibilities and make an impact in new areas. On the other hand, it can be a difficult adjustment, as they must quickly become knowledgeable about a new portfolio and find their footing in a new role. And if that’s the case, there are plethoras of smart and career civil servants in place to ensure an easy transition.
Despite the challenges, the cabinet shuffle is an essential opportunity for Premier Stefanson and her government to demonstrate their commitment to delivering results for the people of Manitoba. By reassessing the performance of her ministers and reassigning portfolios, she is showing that she is open to making changes and is willing to do what she believes best addresses the challenges facing Manitobans.
The resignation of several Cabinet Ministers and MLAs not seeking re-election puts the Premier in a good position heading into the October 2023 election. If you take rhetoric aside and political opposition party narrative out of the equation, it’s par for the course to have MLAs retire.
Manitobans did not hear that MLA’s resigning allows the Premier to reshape the party in her image, as many of the Pallister holdouts are no longer in the equation. Because many Manitobans have an unfavourable opinion of the former leader, Stefanson’s office needs to do more to draw a clear distinction between her and her predecessor, which could ultimately hurt her chances for re-election.
Overall, the cabinet shuffle by Premier Heather Stefanson was unavoidable, and the elevation of four backbenchers to the Cabinet gives newer perspectives and decision-making within their respective Ministries.
Governing is complex, and on your best day, you only have half of the population critiquing your performance, albeit some well warranted. To be re-elected, the Premier’s decision on who to run in the upcoming election and the messaging she uses to separate herself from the former Premier will be crucial.