Pakistan Reopens borders With Iran After A Week Of Closure
- TDS News
- COVID-19
- Middle East
- South Asia
- March 1, 2020

TEHRAN – Pakistan on Saturday reopened its border crossings with Iran after it closed them due to coronavirus outbreak in the region including Sistan-Balouchestan province in southeastern Iran.
Three hundred Pakistani passengers had travelled to Iran but faced border closure at the Sistan-Balouchestan crossing between the two countries. The Novel Coronavirus had spread to 26 provinces in the country and remains a high risk to future border closure.
The virus first emerged in China last year and is now spreading in Europe and across the Middle East, sparking fears of a global pandemic. The virus is spreading rapidly in the region and has even infected the Iranian Vice President Masoumeh Ebtekar.
The Iranian authorities have ordered the closure of schools, universities and cultural events in a bid to contain the outbreak. In addition to the various facility closures, free face masks are being distributed among the people, with priority given to cities that have reported coronavirus cases.
According to the latest data, there have been a total of 593 Iranian nationals infected by the virus, in which 43 patients have succumbed to their illness.
The Iranian National Health Ministry has reported the health condition of 123 infected citizens has improved but still remains under quarantine.