On the Side of Truth and Love

On the Side of Truth and Love

by Anne Thompson
In 2008, I wrote the United Nations voicing my support for love, truth and justice.  Below is what I wrote then, 15 years ago.

Dwight D Eisenhower stated, quote, ‘It is possible, even probable that hopelessness among a people can be a far more potent cause of war than greed.  War – in such case – is a symptom: not the disease.’

We mere humans have the capacity to understand the wrongness of the deep harm inflicted upon the civilian population in Gaza by their neighbour the Israeli government.  To highlight divergence from the minimum acceptable standard of behaviour and intent, one has only to juxtapose the decisions and the actions of the Israeli government with these words of Hillel, quote, ‘What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbour.  This is the whole Torah; all the rest is commentary’ end quote [Talmud, Shabbat 31a].
The capacity for shame of the Israeli government is mirrored in images – made known despite mendacious (untruthful) propaganda – of the unrestrained irresponsible use of force that law, also, does prohibit.  Not since 1940’s Warsaw has an institution systematically walled-in and, seemingly on a whim, cut off power, water, fuel, medical supplies, and consumables to the populace.  And it’s surrounded by tanks!
Collective punishment is a war crime.  Does it really further their cause when the women and children suffer?
Let the international community not be that coward – or that bully – who names it ‘peace’ what is miserable occupation.  An end to the beginning of war is more assured with an adherence to and a demonstrated respect for the 1967 boundary as recognised by the United Nations.
Today I add that if the Israeli government doesn’t want the responsibility and accountability that goes with being an occupying organisation, then stop occupying.  Full stop!
