MKO Grand Chief Garrison Settee Wins Another 3 Year Term
- TDS News
- Elections
- Indigenous
- Northern Canada
- August 18, 2021

Garrison Settee second term victory was expected and unanimous
Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO) Inc. held an election for the position of Grand Chief today at the MKO’s 40th Annual General Assembly. The candidates for the role of Grand Chief were Ken Bighetty and Garrison Settee the incumbent.
Chiefs, Councillors, and Headmen of MKO Nations were eligible to vote in the election. Seventy-three eligible voters took part in the election. The results are as follows:
- Ken Bighetty: 15 votes
- Garrison Settee: 58 votes
Garrison Settee is from the Pimicikamak Cree Nation and was previously elected in August 2018. He will now undertake a three-year term as MKO Grand Chief.
“I am extremely thankful the leadership have voted me in for a second term as Grand Chief of Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak,” shared Grand Chief Garrison Settee. “I express my appreciation for the Norway House Cree Nation for hosting our election and our Assembly. I also thank all the people who have supported me during my campaign. I look forward to advocating on behalf of MKO First Nations over the next three years.”
MKO’s Annual General Assembly concludes in Norway House on August 19, 2021.