Manitoba Invests In Healing And Wellness Supports For Survivors Of Residential Schools

$200,000 for Indigenous-led, Healing-Focused Programming During Truth and Reconciliation Week.

The Manitoba government is providing $200,000 to seven Indian Residential School Healing Centres and other events starting the week of Sept. 27, Indigenous Reconciliation and Northern Relations Minister Alan Lagimodiere announced today.

“Our government is committed to learning and advancing reconciliation by supporting Indigenous programming that will help Manitobans learn from and heal the wounds of the past,” said Lagimodiere. “Indian Residential School Healing Centres in Manitoba provide culturally appropriate healing and wellness supports to survivors of residential schools, Indian day schools, the ‘60s scoop and missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.”

Each organization will receive up to $25,000 and will provide a variety of cultural events centred on reconciliation, healing and observing Sept. 30. Indigenous-led groups receiving funding include:

  • ANISH Corp. to support hosting a sacred fire and memorial round dance to honour survivors;
  • Cree Nation Tribal Health Centre to support a four-day Every Child Matters awareness project;
  • Way-Say Healing Centre to support hosting an Orange Shirt Day powwow;
  • Cross Lake Band of Indians to support hosting a three-day gathering commemorating National Truth and Reconciliation Orange Shirt Day;
  • Keewatin Tribal Council to support hosting a gathering for healing and acknowledgment for National Truth and Reconciliation Orange Shirt Day;
  • South East Resource Development Council to support the organization of a joint Grandmothers’ Walk and National Orange Shirt Day commemoration;
  • West Region Treaty 2 and 4 Health Services in Westman for self-care kits for First Nation and surrounding communities and staff support;
  • Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre to host Indigenous youth from across Manitoba to participate in National Day for Truth and Reconciliation events; and
  • National Indigenous Residential School Museum of Canada to support a healing walk in commemoration of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. 

 “We must learn the truth before we truly seek and understand the true meaning of truth and reconciliation. It must start at a personal level, within your family, friends and workplaces; then my hope is that we will begin to see true reconciliation,” said Eva Wilson Fontaine, team leader, ANISH and residential school survivor. “I encourage all nations – red, yellow, black and white – to have those conversations about Canada’s true history of what happened at Indian residential schools at your kitchen tables, in the office, coffee shops and boardroom tables.”

Earlier this month, the province formally announced it would recognize Sept. 30, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, to encourage reflection and meaningful discussions about the impacts of residential schools. The Manitoba public service will observe the day and all non-essential government services and offices will be closed. Schools will be closed and no classes will be held.

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