Canada’s Increases Humanitarian Efforts To Bring Clean Water To Yemen

Canada’s new funding is in response to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen

The human cost of the ongoing conflict in Yemen is dire. The situation in Yemen is one of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Constant wars, corruption and acts of terrorisms, Yemen is among the most poorest countries in the world.

Today Karina Gould, Minister of International Development, at the Virtual High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Situation in Yemen, convened by the UN, Sweden and Switzerland, announced $69.9 million in funding in continued response to the humanitarian needs of conflict-affected people in Yemen in 2021.

Canada's Increases Humanitarian Efforts To Bring Clean Water To Yemen

“Yemen is undergoing the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, and its people deserve decisive action. Their suffering must end, and their rights and dignity must be protected. We must do everything possible to make this happen.” Karina Gould, Minister of International Development

This new funding will be provided to UN agencies, the Red Cross, and other non-governmental organizations. With Canada’s support, its humanitarian partners will provide life-saving food and support health care, clean water and sanitation. In line with its Feminist International Assistance Policy, Canada’s humanitarian assistance will also focus on the urgent needs of women and girls, who are disproportionately affected by the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

During the event, Minister Gould emphasized Canada’s deep concern for the deteriorating food security situation in Yemen and advocated for unimpeded access for humanitarian assistance, in accordance with international humanitarian law.

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