Canada Commits $49.5-Million To Syria’s Humanitarian Crisis

Canada has committed $3.3 billion to Syria and the region since 2016

TDS News – A decade of war has resulted in a devastating humanitarian crisis, leading to the dire suffering of millions of people in Syria and neighbouring countries. The COVID-19 pandemic has only magnified their hardship.

Today, during the Brussels V Conference on supporting the future of Syria and the region, Karina Gould, Minister of International Development, announced an additional humanitarian commitment to bring life-saving aid to Syrians. The fifth Brussels conference, hosted by the European Union and the United Nations, focused on addressing the critical needs of millions of people across the region and supporting a lasting political resolution to the Syrian war.

“After a decade of suffering, the Syrian people deserve the continued support of the international community. We must not lose focus. Canada will support Syrian refugees, host communities and those who have been internally displaced.” – Karina Gould, Minister of International Development

Canada Commits $49.5-Million To Syria's Humanitarian Crisis

This commitment will provide nutritional assistance for communities affected by the war, as well as primary health care and sexual and reproductive health and rights services. Canada’s aid will also provide clean water, sanitation and hygiene kits to families. Today’s announcement of a $49.5-million pledge builds on previous multi-year commitments, bringing Canada’s 2021 humanitarian, development and stabilization support to Syria and the region to $3.3 billion.

During the event, Minister Gould also thanked Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq, as well as Turkey and Egypt, for their tremendous generosity in hosting so many Syrian refugees. Canada is committed to continuing its work with the international community and Syrians to put an end to the conflict through a sustainable political solution.

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