Alberta Offering $1 Million Lottery Prize To Get Vaccinated
- TDS News
- COVID-19
- Western Canada
- June 30, 2021

Alberta becomes the latest province to enter the vaccine lottery
The vast majority of Canadians do not need to be incentivized to get vaccinated to slow the spread of COVID-19. Yet, there still remains a large sector of society that are against vaccines for a multitude of reasons. Vaccines are the key to a return to normalcy or as close to it as possible.
Alberta Premier Kenney announced a new vaccine lottery for the more than 1.6 million Albertans have already been vaccinated. The Open for Summer Lottery, which currently includes three draws for $1 million, travel prizes from Air Canada and WestJet, and prizes from the Calgary Stampede.
“We’ve all missed the thrill of watching our favourite teams play to the roar of a cheering crowd. Thanks to Albertans’ hard work at getting vaccinated, we can get back to many of our favourite pastimes and sports as we safely open for summer. These prizes will help welcome fans back to their seats and are yet another incentive to get vaccinated as soon as you can.” Jason Kenney, Premier

The incentive to get Albertans to vaccine stations become imperative considering the province has struggled to contain various outbreaks of the COVID-19 virus. The Albertan Premier has come under fire many times for not trusting the advice of the scientists coupled with very loose restrictions.
Alberta’s COVID-19 vaccine lottery appears to be the most lucrative in Canada and with its announcement, the government has seen an immediate increase in vaccinations. The new draw will give every Albertan with their first dose who registers for the Open for Summer Lottery by July 22 the chance to win season tickets for football, VIP hockey packages and rounds of golf in Kananaskis. Winners will be announced on July 29.
To date, more than 71.7 per cent of eligible Albertans have stepped up for their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine, including 38.6 per cent who are now fully vaccinated with two doses. Albertans can book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment through AHS online, participating pharmacies or by calling 811. Select clinic locations across the province continue to offer first doses on a walk-in basis.