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The Daily Scrum News is committed to good journalism and covering stories that mean the most to people worldwide. The organization strongly believes in ethical reporting based on facts. The organization gets a lot accomplished through positive messaging. The Daily Scrum News was started because people wanted a news outlet that reported on the positive work being done by governments worldwide and its hardworking civil servants, anyone doing good work that is making life better for their fellow citizens.

Donovan Martin, President & CEO

The organization covers current political events in the U.S.A., and Canada, with dedicated coverage for breaking news stories within the Indigenous communities and around the globe. The Daily Scrum News believes in balanced policies and humanistic philosophies. Too often, many media outlets and other social outlets present unbalanced and unfair portrayals of humanistic government.

Many media outlets do not value humanistic ideals in society and present only negative news headlines in the name of quick financial gains while ignoring their responsibilities. That type of reporting only causes long-term damage to the credibility and safety of journalists. 

The organization believes not all news positively contributes to society. That is why it dedicated a whole day to not covering any of the daily tragic shootings in America. Instead, the organization used its platform to play a day filled with the most positive Youtube videos about life and happiness for our readers’ mental health. The organization must shape the world it wants for children and tomorrow’s leaders, and if they are to do that, it will lead by example.

The Daily Scrum News deploys cutting-edge technology to ensure all anchors can each speak 48 languages. They’ve been in the Metaverse for years. They are the only news agency in North America that uses Digital Synthetic Human Polyglots as our main news anchors to report the daily news.

If there was an error in an article, information, or publication, our readers could contact us anytime. If it requires correction, we will do our best to address it quickly. We are independent of any other corporation and will continue to work hard for the people.

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Jackson, Michigan

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Winnipeg, Manitoba

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