670 Anti-LGBTQ Bills Filed by Republicans in All 50 States Since 2018

In the United States, the LGBTQ2 community continues fighting against inequality and discrimination, especially in politics. According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and LGBTQ advocacy group Freedom for All Americans, nearly 670 anti-LGBTQ bills have been filed in all 50 states since 2018 by Republican politicians. These bills are demeaning, targeting, and serve as a form of malice for dehumanizing the members of the LGBTQ2 community.

The Republican Party has long been known for its conservative values and policies that often conflict with the interests of the LGBTQ2 community. The party’s stance on social issues, such as gay marriage, gender identity, and bathroom bills, has consistently caused controversy and division. While some Republicans have attempted to bridge the gap between the party and the LGBTQ2 community, these anti-LGBTQ bills demonstrate that the party as a whole continues to be on the wrong side of history and democracy.

The anti-LGBTQ bills introduced in various states are numerous and concerning. One such bill was proposed in Texas, where Senate Bill 1311 aimed to criminalize medical professionals who provide gender-affirming care to minors. This bill would have made it illegal for doctors to prescribe puberty blockers or hormones to transgender children, a medical treatment widely recognized by medical professionals as safe and effective.

In Tennessee, House a Bill sought to define a child’s biological sex as the sex assigned at birth, which would have made it impossible for transgender individuals to change the gender on their birth certificates. Similar bills were proposed in Idaho and Arkansas, where they were challenged and overturned by federal courts as unconstitutional. In Tennessee, the bill was eventually withdrawn before it could be voted on, but the fact that such a bill was even proposed is a cause for concern.

Anti-LGBTQ bills are not only detrimental to the members of the community but also go against the values of democracy and human rights. It is important to note that these bills often originate from a place of misinformation and lack of understanding of the LGBTQ2 community. For instance, many of the bills aim to protect religious freedom, but they allow individuals and organizations to use their religious beliefs as a shield against discrimination. This is contrary to the principles of democracy, which aim to protect the rights of all individuals, regardless of their religious beliefs.

The bills also serve to undermine the progress made by the LGBTQ2 community in recent years. The landmark Supreme Court ruling in 2015 that legalized gay marriage was a significant step forward, but these bills threaten to undo that progress. They are demeaning and discriminatory, and they target an already marginalized community. The bills send a message to the LGBTQ2 community that their rights and identities are not valued, which can have serious psychological and emotional effects on individuals.

The anti-LGBTQ bills are just one part of a larger issue with the Republican Party. In recent years, the party has also been criticized for its stance on other social issues, such as abortion, immigration, and voting rights. The party’s position on these issues often conflicts with the interests of marginalized communities, including women, people of colour, and immigrants.

There is a need for change in the Republican Party’s stance on social issues, including the treatment of the LGBTQ2 community. The party needs to acknowledge that everyone deserves equal rights and protections under the law. Discrimination of any kind, including discrimination against members of the LGBTQ2 community, has no place in a democratic society.
