Ontario Invest $5.3 Million Into Forest Sector Employment
COVID-19 Eastern Canada

Ontario Invest $5.3 Million Into Forest Sector Employment

Funding will help forest sector businesses offset the cost of COVID-19 safety measures Toronto — The Ontario government is investing $5.3 million, provided through the federal Forest Sector Safety Measures Fund, to help small and medium sized forest sector businesses offset the cost of COVID-19 safety measures. The funding will be used for initiatives such as setting Read More…

Pallister Government seeks authority to spend $500M on COVID-19 response
Western Canada

Early Cabinet Shuffle For Manitoba Premier Pallister

Cabinet shuffles usually don’t happen so early in an new administration In just a little over a year of Manitobans going to the polls early, Manitoba’s Premier Pallister has shuffled his Cabinet in the middle of the pandemic. At the start of COVID-19, Manitoba had the lowest reported cases of COVID-19 in the country for Read More…

B.C Hires 7,000 New Healthcare Workers For Senior Homes
COVID-19 Eastern Canada

Ontario Accelerates Vaccinations for Long-Term Care Homes

All residents and workers to be vaccinated by third week of January TORONTO — The Ontario government is continuing the rollout of Phase One of its vaccine implementation plan by ensuring that all residents, health care workers and essential caregivers at long-term care homes in the priority regions of Toronto, Peel, York and Windsor-Essex receive Read More…

UK Under National COVID-19 Lockdown
COVID-19 United Kingdom

UK Under National COVID-19 Lockdown

UK Prime Minister announced a national lockdown as new strain of COVID-19 is spreads UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a national lockdown and instructed people to stay at home to control the virus, protect the NHS and save lives. The decision follows a rapid rise in infections, hospital admissions and case rates across the Read More…

Manitoba Government Collected Close To $1,000,000 In Fines For COVID-19 Enforcement
COVID-19 Western Canada

Manitoba Government Collected Close To $1,000,000 In Fines For COVID-19 Enforcement

A total of $984,000 have been collected from Business and individuals The Manitoba government is providing an update on ongoing enforcement efforts to protect Manitobans from the spread of COVID-19.  A total of 279 warnings and 55 tickets were issued for the week of Dec. 28, 2020, to Jan. 3 including 49 $1,296 tickets to Read More…

Western Lenders Cut Off Loans for Fossil Fuel Projects In Africa
Africa Canada Europe U.S.A

Western Lenders Cut Off Loans for Fossil Fuel Projects In Africa

A little more than a year ago, in November 2019, the European Investment Bank (EIB) declared its intention to phase out funding for fossil fuels A little more than a year ago, in November 2019, the European Investment Bank (EIB) declared its intention to phase out funding for fossil fuels. Specifically, it said that it Read More…

Québec Solidaire Calls For a Rent Freeze For 2021
COVID-19 Eastern Canada

Québec Solidaire Calls For a Rent Freeze For 2021

Provinces across Canada has frozen rent increases due to the pandemic MONTREAL, The member for Laurier – Dorion and responsible for Québec solidaire in housing matters, Andrés Fontecilla, urges the CAQ government to adopt a special law as soon as Parliament returns to suspend rent increases for the year 2021 and thus offer a breath of fresh air to the thousands Read More…

British Courts Deny US Requests To Extradite Wiki Leaks Julian Assange
Breaking News

British Courts Deny US Requests To Extradite Wiki Leaks Julian Assange

Wiki Leaks founder Julian Assange has been a wanted man by the United States for over a decade Julian Assange, the founder and political activist of WikiLeaks gained international attention with the massive dumping of government cables provided by former Army Intelligence Chelsea Manning. These leaks included the Baghdad airstrike Collateral Murder video (April 2010), the Afghanistan war logs (July 2010), Read More…

A Coup In Plain Site: Trump's Chilling Phone Call To Georgia's Secretary of State
Midwest USA Southern USA U.S.A

A Coup In Plain Site: Trump’s Chilling Phone Call To Georgia’s Secretary of State

Trump’s Desperate call to overturn the election is shameful and a smack in the face to democracy Trump’s intimidation tactics towards Georgia’s Secretary of State to over turn the election is an impeachable offense. And if it wasn’t for that fact he was not reelected, he could have been the only sitting president to be Read More…

Another Record Setting Day In Saskatchewan With COVID-19 Cases
COVID-19 Western Canada

Another Record Setting Day In Saskatchewan With COVID-19 Cases

The Moderna vaccines are being distributed but cases continue to climb in Saskatchewan As of January 2, 3,722 doses of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine have been provided to health care workers in Regina as part of the initial pilot and in Saskatoon as part of Phase 1.  With the arrival of 4,900 doses of Moderna vaccine, Read More…

CUPE, Ontario’s Largest Health Care Union Calls For Military Intervention
Canada COVID-19

CUPE, Ontario’s Largest Health Care Union Calls For Military Intervention

Military Help Needed Immediately for Ontario Long-Term Care Homes in Outbreak: CUPE Toronto – Calling on the Ontario PC government’s effort to ramp up long-term care reforms like a care standard and increased staffing “lethargic and inadequate”, today the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) joined advocates urging military intervention to curb COVID-19 wave two Read More…

7 Million South Sudanese Approaching Famine Conditions

7 Million South Sudanese Approaching Famine Conditions

Increasing risk of famine amidst the COVID-19 pandemic is pushing more than 7 million people into hunger The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is extremely concerned about the counties in South Sudan where an increasing risk of famine amidst the COVID-19 pandemic is pushing more than 7 million people into hunger. Food insecurity is rising amidst Read More…

UK Establishes New Institute Teaching Excellence
United Kingdom

UK Establishes New Institute Teaching Excellence

Institute of Teaching to provide lifelong training and development for teachers A new Institute of Teaching is set to be established in England to provide teachers and school leaders with prestigious training and development throughout their career. Training will be delivered through at least four regional campuses, launching in September 2022, with the Institute being Read More…

Canada To Take Command Of NATO Maritime Group One
Atlantic Canada Canada U.S.A

Canada To Take Command Of NATO Maritime Group One

SNMG1 is one of four NATO Standing Naval Forces on continuous active duty Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Halifax departed its namesake homeport of Halifax, Nova Scotia, on New Years Day for a six-month deployment as part of the Maritime Task Force of Operation REASSURANCE. During this deployment, Commodore Bradley Peats of the Canadian Armed Forces will Read More…

Goodbye 2020, The World Will Not Miss You
Breaking News

Goodbye 2020, The World Will Not Miss You

Hope, Vaccines, Peace, Love and Humanity. 2021 The World Is Counting On You! 2020 has been a hell of a year. Australia was ablaze, threats of war between Iran and America proliferated, and a pandemic was brewing all in the first couple months. Unnecessary injuries and deaths as a result of police brutality have become Read More…

United Kingdom

Tampon Tax Abolished As Of January 1, 2021

The UK ‘tampon tax’ has been abolished – with a zero rate of VAT applying to women’s sanitary products coming into effect today (1 January 2021). Tampon tax abolished – from today (1 Jan 2021) VAT no longer applies to women’s sanitary products. As a part of wider government action to End Period Poverty which Read More…