Pfizer Develops COVID-19 Vaccine For Kids Under Age 12

Pfizer Develops COVID-19 Vaccine For Kids Under Age 12

The Pfizer kids vaccine is now being reviewed by the US FDA for approval By: Almunthir Alghamdi Since March 2020 the world has experienced what it is like to live in a pandemic, we’ve been hearing about the old ones who lived through plagues and dangerous flues, but for the first time, we have experienced Read More…

Toronto Hits COVID-19 Milestone
COVID-19 Southern USA World News

The Unvaccinated, Continue To Affect The Fully Vaccinated

The global crisis is a battle of the unvaccinated By: Maha Altamimi The race for a COVID-19 vaccine became the number one priority for every major world leader at the start of the pandemic. And for the first time centuries, the world was united against a common foe, the Coronavirus. However, with the development of various COVID-19 vaccines, fully inoculated people are still Read More…

Election Day In Canada, Red Tsunami Or A Blue Wave?
Breaking News Canada Elections

Election Day In Canada, Red Tsunami Or A Blue Wave?

Will the results on election day be the change Canadians want? Minority governments rarely last as history has shown Canadians. So in October 2020, to have the Liberal government survive two votes of no confidence within 30 days is an anomaly. Earlier this year, Trudeau and the Federal Liberals asked for a vote of no Read More…

Justice For J6 Insurrectionists, Met With Heavy Police Presence
Breaking News U.S.A

Justice For J6 Insurrectionists, Met With Heavy Police Presence

Justice for J6 in support of the January 6th terrorist attack, confirms America still has a huge problem with support for domestic terrorists. January 6, 2021, will be known as the day a sitting US President incited a terrorist attack on his own country. President Donald Trump and many of the Republican Party members have abdicated their Read More…

Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, Ends 24 Year Boiled Water Advisory Ends
Breaking News Indigenous

Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, Ends 24 Year Boiled Water Advisory Ends

Shoal Lake 40 is one of 109 First Nation communities to have their boiled water advisory lifted under the Liberal government. Water is a fundamental human right essential to the survival of humanity, whereas Canada’s Indigenous people for decades have been denied that basic right to clean drinking water. Science states that a human being Read More…

B.C Commits $149,000 In Emergency Funding To Residents Facing Homelessness
Breaking News Eastern Canada

Ontario Helps Create Permanent Emergency Shelter For Windsor Homeless Community

Province supports vulnerable people experiencing homelessness during COVID-19 The Ontario government is providing $7.75 million to help create a permanent emergency shelter for women and families experiencing homelessness in Windsor. “Our government’s Social Services Relief Fund is designed to provide immediate housing and homelessness program relief in communities across Ontario,” said Steve Clark, Minister of Read More…

B.C Commits $149,000 In Emergency Funding To Residents Facing Homelessness
Breaking News Western Canada

B.C Commits $149,000 In Emergency Funding To Residents Facing Homelessness

B.C. Secures Housing For People at risk of homelessness in Abbotsford ABBOTSFORD – The Province, through BC Housing, has secured affordable housing for the Many Ways Home Housing Society residents who were facing eviction in Abbotsford. “Our government took decisive action to ensure these residents would not be left without housing and can continue to Read More…

Retirement Living: What Are My Options In Today’s Housing Market?

Retirement Living: What Are My Options In Today’s Housing Market?

Retirement is just around the corner (NC) As more Canadians near and enter retirement age, there are more new and innovative housing options to consider than ever before. Whether you’re planning for yourself or your parents, here are some exciting possibilities to think about, as well as the pros and cons: Aging in placeAn attractive Read More…

West Virginia Giving Out Guns As An Incentive To Get Vaccinated
Breaking News COVID-19 Southern USA U.S.A

West Virginia Giving Out Guns As An Incentive To Get Vaccinated

West Virginia’s giving away free guns in the vaccine lottery hoping to see its rates increase. America continues to reach grim milestones in the fight against COVID-19 with over 660,000 people dying from the virus. Even though the US has seen a major uptick in vaccination, there still is a significant amount of the popular Read More…

Les chefs de parti rejettent le travail du gouvernement fédéral sur la réconciliation
Breaking News Canada

Les chefs de parti rejettent le travail du gouvernement fédéral sur la réconciliation

Ne pas reconnaître le travail accompli en matière de réconciliation par le gouvernement fédéral est fallacieux. Dans les sports professionnels, les athlètes ont un dicton : « le jeu reconnaît le jeu ». Autrement dit, je reconnais vos réalisations et j’apprécie le travail que vous avez fait pour votre ville/pays. Les candidats des différents partis Read More…

Party Leaders Dismiss Federal Government's Work On Reconciliation
Canada Elections Indigenous

Party Leaders Dismiss Federal Government’s Work On Reconciliation

Failing to acknowledge any work being done on reconciliation by the federal government is disingenuous. In professional sports, athletes have a saying, “game recognizes game.” Meaning, I recognize your accomplishments and appreciate the work you did for your city/country. The candidates of the various parties campaigning to be Canada’s next Prime Minister could learn a Read More…

Québec 1er, Canada 2e; Fête du Bloq Québécois de Blanchet
Canada Elections

Québec 1er, Canada 2e; Fête du Bloq Québécois de Blanchet

Comment le chef du Parti Bloq Québécois Yves-François Blanchet souhaite prioriser le Québec plutôt que le grand pays nuit au Canada. Il n’y aura jamais de premier ministre Bloq Québécois au Canada. Si vous vouliez être le chef du Canada, les citoyens doivent voter pour l’un des représentants de votre parti appelé « députés » Read More…

Quebec 1st, Canada 2nd; The Bloq Québécois' Plans
Breaking News Canada Elections

Quebec 1st, Canada 2nd; Blanchet’s Bloq Québécois’ Party

How Bloq Québécois Party Leader Yves-François Blanchet wishes to prioritize Quebec rather than the greater country hurts Canada. There will never be a Bloq Québécois Prime Minister in Canada. If you wanted to be the leader of Canada, citizens must vote for one of your party’s representatives called ‘Members of Parliament’ or ‘MPs.’ The Conservative Read More…

UK Citizens Encouraged To Ditch The Pump And Plug-In
Climate Change United Kingdom

UK Citizens Encouraged To Ditch The Pump And Plug-In

A new government-backed app will help drivers to see which electric vehicles best suit their lifestyle. Drivers up and down the UK can explore making the switch to an electric vehicle this World Electric Vehicle (EV) day with a new government-backed app the Transport Secretary has set out today. As the UK prepares to host the COP26 climate summit Read More…

WestJet Announces Mandatory Employee COVID-19 Vaccination
Canada COVID-19

WestJet Announces Mandatory Employee COVID-19 Vaccination

Westjet joins the ranks of airline carriers making vaccination mandatory for employees. Since September 1, 2020, WestJet was one of the first air carriers to implement a zero-tolerance policy in support of the requirement for all guests, over the age of two, to wear masks, face coverings and respect COVID-19 health orders. Non-compliant guests will Read More…

Ontario Releases Technology & Standards For Digital Identity
Eastern Canada

Ontario Releases Technology & Standards For Digital Identity

Province welcomes and encourages private-sector market innovation TORONTO — The Ontario government is publicly launching the technology and standards that will build Ontario’s digital identity ecosystem, which will empower simpler, faster and better access to more convenient and secure online services. As one of the first jurisdictions in North America to publish this information, Ontario continues to Read More…

Les Prisons Canadiennes ont-elles un Problème de Drogue

Les Prisons Canadiennes ont-elles un Problème de Drogue

Il faut se poser de sérieuses questions sur la façon dont les drogues continuent de s’introduire dans le système carcéral Canadien. Les établissements correctionnels du Canada sont censés être parmi les endroits les plus sûrs au monde et sont censés être sans drogue, mais ce n’est pas le cas. Qu’elles soient à sécurité minimale ou Read More…

Canada's Federal Prisons Have A Drug Smuggling Problem?
Canada Eastern Canada

Canada’s Federal Prisons Have A Drug Smuggling Problem?

Serious questions need to be asked how drugs continue to make their way into the Canadian Prison System. Correctional facilities across Canada are supposed to be some of the most secure places on earth and are meant to be drug-free, however, that is not the case. Whether it being minimum or maximum security, Canadian prisons Read More…

Canada Climate Change Europe Middle East

Orman Yangınları İklim Değişikliği ve Küresel Isınmanın Bir Sonucudur

İklim değişikliğiyle doğrudan bağlantılı orman yangınlarından her yıl on milyonlarca hektar yok oluyor. M.Ö. orman yangınları, 868.619 hektardan fazla orman ve vahşi yaşam habitatını yok ederek hızlı bir oranda yanmaya devam ediyor. İtfaiyeciler eyalet genelinde sürekli olarak yangınlarla mücadele ediyor ve toplam aktif yangın sayısı 210’a ulaştı. Yakma mevsiminin zirvesinde, Britanya Kolombiyası’nda 1.583 aktif yangın Read More…

Wildfires Are A Result Of Climate Change & Global Warming
Breaking News

Wildfires Are A Result Of Climate Change & Global Warming

Tens of millions of hectares are destroyed each year from wildfires directly related to climate change. The B.C wildfires continue to burn at a rapid rate destroying over 868,619 hectares of forestry and wildlife habitats. Firefighters have been continuously fighting fires throughout the province bringing the total active fires to 210. At the height of Read More…

Bitcoin Crashes After El Salvador Adopts It as National Currency

Bitcoin Crashes After El Salvador Adopts It as National Currency

Hours after El Salvador made Bitcoin legal tender, the cryptocurrency fell in price. On Tuesday Morning, September 7th, 2021, El Salvador became the first country to adopt Bitcoin as an official currency. The dollar is now legal tender throughout the entirety of the country. Yet despite months of planning, numerous errors occurred on launch day. Read More…

Throwing Rocks At The Prime Minister Is Not Peacefully Protesting
Breaking News

Throwing Rocks At The Prime Minister Is Not Peacefully Protesting

Assaulting the Prime Minister is not how Canadians are supposed to act. Disgusting displays of violence towards Canada’s Prime Minister Trudeau continued on his campaign trail during this Labour Day weekend. What is being called a group of right-winged anti-vaxxers, hurled obscenities, racial slurs, and literal rocks at the Prime Minister while he was campaigning Read More…

New Rules For International Travel Into Canada, Come Into Effect Sept.7th
Canada World News

New Rules For International Travel Into Canada, Come Into Effect Sept.7th

Tourists will need to be fully vaccinated to enter Canada. As was announced on July 19, the Government of Canada will allow fully vaccinated foreign nationals meeting the conditions to enter Canada for discretionary (non-essential) purposes starting on September 7, 2021. This decision is based on the latest available data, scientific evidence and epidemiological situation both in Read More…

Les Canadiens Croient que le premier Ministre Trudeau a Remporté le débat en Français Hier Soir
Canada COVID-19 Elections

Les Canadiens Croient que le premier Ministre Trudeau a Remporté le débat en Français Hier Soir

Les Canadiens sont extrêmement satisfaits des réponses du premier ministre Trudeau lors du premier débat français des chefs. Hier soir, le premier débat des chefs a vu les chefs de leurs partis respectés passer à l’attaque, dans l’espoir de marquer un coup de grâce contre le premier ministre Trudeau. Comme tout bon boxeur, le Premier Read More…